Dialectical Dialogues XXXI - XXXIII
(At Hospital. P.A. System announces "Code: Blue in Emergency Department.")
Me: Somebody's day just went to shit.
Camus's Stranger: Man, that's not even funny.
Me: Wasn't trying to be...
Sherlock Holmes: What happened to your eye?
Groucho Marx: My daughter poked it really hard.
Holmes: That sucks.
Marx: Nah, it just fulfills the axiom in my life that every female that I know will eventually hurt me.
Holmes: You're such a drama queen.
Electra: The least he could have done was text me on my birthday.
Eugene O'Neill: Why do you even care?
Electra: I don't...
O'Neill: Then why are we talking about this?
Electra: Because it would have been a nice gesture to show that I'm a blip in his life.
O'Neill: The sooner you realize that you're nothing to him, the better for all of us.
Apollo: I can't help but hate myself for having feelings for you.Σελήνη: ...the sooner you forgive yourself, the easier it will be to forget me.
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